If you are looking for a breeders in Tennesse, Nashville . We are the best breeders in Usa, We are breeders 15 years, we work with the best of best , the world winner X-man. We are dedicated to sell puppies of italian mastiff. We have now for sale , a new litter. Today I want to explain more about your puppy . How to teach your cane corso puppy to pee outside
You may be frustrated if you have a puppy and he is leaving puddles around your house all day. This is especially hard if you are trying to get them to do it on the street. Do not despair and take note of these tips.
Despite the fact that your cane corso puppy is very intelligent and learns very quickly, it must be borne in mind that everything requires time and maturation.
When your puppy misses a pee inside the house it is not a hooligan it is simply that it still cannot control it.
It is harder to know when a puppy needs to pee than when it needs to have a bowel movement.
When he needs to empty his intestines he will start to jog and turn in small circles as he feels a sudden bowel movement. This is a much more intense sensation than when he needs to empty his bladder to pee.
An 8-week-old puppy doesn’t realize he needs to pee, and when he suddenly has the sensation, he can’t wait.
The puppy will learn to control its intestines earlier than its bladder.
If your puppy pees at home and does not do it when you take him outside, it could be for several reasons:
You may be taking your puppy out alone and not feeling well without your company. The whole time you are alone outside you may be trying to get back in.
When you go out with him you must give him the time he needs to urinate, he still cannot control his bladder.
It is important that you keep the puppy away from the carpets at home since, due to their soft surface, they are their favorite to pee. Also, as the rug gets soaked in the smell, you’ll want to always pee there.
At about 10 weeks, many puppies can last more than half an hour, while awake, between one pee and another.
Another reason why our puppy does not want to pee outside the house may be due to the cold or rain, since they do not like to cool down or soak up.
You must show him that he should not fear bad weather and accompany him until the puppy accepts that he has to urinate outside, regardless of the weather. If you see that it takes a long time, you take him in your arms, take him inside and warm him up a little (without letting go) to take him outside again.
Be patient, as very soon your Italian Mastiff puppy will mature and relieve itself outside the home with complete normality.