colores del cane corso o mastín italiano

The cane corso nowadays present a very nice variety of colors, and evidently to obtain them, it has been evolving with the time, as well as its character, its functionality, etc.

Around the 70’s, the cane corso coat colors that were observed at that time were a fawn color with a black face mask and a dark brown color.

Nowadays, we can find the following colors in the coat of cane corsos, which are as follows:

– Solid black
– Solid gray
– Fawn or light red
– Light fawn
– Fawn with black mask
– Fawn with gray mask, or also called FORMENTINO
– Brindle (variegated) black
– Brindle (variegated) gray
– Brindle (variegated) black with fawn base
– Brindle (variegated) gray with tawny base


Cane corso colors 1

We must point out some important points about the colors of the cane corso in case

The black or gray mask on the muzzle should not go beyond the eye line.

A small white spot on the chest or on the bridge of the nose is acceptable.

It used to be said of old cane corso breeders that the gray cane corso was not much to their liking, as they said that the gray was a mongrel, coming from crosses of the Neapolitan mastiff, and perhaps they are not far from being right, as this and the cane corso are like family breeds.

Also, the story circulates that when there were almost no cane corsos of dark color some important breeders of the breed at the time of the 80s, crossed with the black boxer breed, supposedly to get that characteristic shiny black color that is so famous today.

History and origin
Physical characteristics
Living together
Education and training
Hygiene and cleaning
Advantages and disvantages
Maintenance cost
Life expectancy
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