cane corso dieta y alimentación mastín italiano

Being a large breed of cane corso, which multiplies 50 times its weight in the first year, it requires a good diet that can be adapted to its metabolism and morphology.

It’s essential that Cane Corso puppies between the first 6 months to 12 months have quality food so that they can grow in the best conditions, since this is the most important time of their development where they require all the necessary nutrients for their growth.

Diet and feeding of the cane corso

When choosing their food, the following should be considered:

Feeding of the cane corso

They have a high physical activity and are very interactive, therefore, their energy intake must be greater compared to other breeds of dogs. For that reason, their food must be enriched in fat to give your dog enough energy that he needs.

Being a breed that can weigh more than 50 kg and categorized as a giant dog, it can be prone to joint problems and can suffer from elbow and hip dysplasia, osteochondritis, etc. Glucosamine with chondroitin and omega 3 are vitamins that strengthen these areas and promote the maintenance of their joints. Also, vitamin C contributes to the creation of collagen that will mainly help your cartilage.

Also, when eating a lot, Cane Corsos can suffer from gastric torsion due to an overload of the stomach. For this reason, it is necessary to avoid overfeeding in growth stages of cane corso and adulthood and supplementing the diet with calcium and vitamin D. We must prioritize a food that contains vitamins and trace elements in amounts proportional to its growth stage. We can avoid this problem by using natural food.

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When and how to feed the cane corso?

  • How much does a cane corso eatDivide the daily servings into two or three small portions to avoid oversaturating your digestion and gradually reducing the feeling of hunger. The ideal would be to do it 3 times a day up to 7 months, after 7 months it is advisable to do it twice a day.
  • Create an eating routine, that is, feed him at the same time every day to improve his food balance.
  • The amount of the food portion will depend on their size and weight but also on their physical activity. It can be determined with the help of the vet.
  • Avoid excess sweets as a reward as they could be overweight. They are recommended to be pieces of cooked fruits or vegetables.
  • Totally avoid toxic foods for your dog: sausages, chocolate, sugar, milk, nuts, etc. Rabbit or chicken bones are also not recommended as these are prone to breaking easily, which creates a danger for your Cane Corso if it swallows a splinter of said bone.
  • Lastly, you should always stay hydrated. Fill his drinking fountain every day and if he doesn’t usually drink a lot of water, putting a couple of ice cubes in his drinking fountain will make him feel attracted and motivate him to drink more water.

Among the most important aspects to follow, it should be noted that if the breeder of your cane corso puppy has used natural products as food, it is recommended that, when adopting it, not change this type of diet, to avoid precisely drastic changes in the stomach that they can harm you.

Dieta natural Barf

Diet of a cane corsoNosotros aconsejamos la dieta Barf para perros cane corso por el alto contenido en vitaminas y nutrientes de calidad.

La dieta natural cruda es la alimentación que siempre han tenido los animales antes de que se introdujeran los piensos para perros con alimentos tratados de forma artificial.  La alimentación natural Barf, tiene seguidores y detractores, nosotros como criadores de perros cane corso hace muchos años que apostamos por la dieta natural, y es como actualmente alimentamos a todos nuestros cachorros y adultos.

Para el Mastín Italiano esta dieta contribuye a un mayor nivel muscular, gracias a su mejor absorción en el cuerpo, muchas menos heces, mejor calidad en su pelo y un brillo impresionante, mayor energía y salud.

Esta dieta está basada en alimentos naturales como carnes rojas, carnes blancas como pollo, conejo, pescado azul para potenciar el omega 3, toda clase de verduras y aceites, yogures para la flora intestinal, etc.

La alimentación de los cachorros cane corso  los alimentamos con todo muy bien picado para pasar de la lactancia a comida natural, integrando días antes  probióticos para preparar los jugos gástricos del cachorro.

History and origin
Physical characteristics
Living together
Education and training
Hygiene and cleaning
Advantages and disvantages
Maintenance cost
Life expectancy
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