cuanto cuesta mantener a un cane corso al mes

How much does it cost to maintain a Cane CorsoIt is a very frequent question among people who want to have a cane corso, and this issue is basically related to the care and hygiene of the dog.


For example, regarding the care of his nails, if your cane corso dog is often taken for walks and even to the mountains, his nails will file by themselves and you will not need to cut them so often, however, we must be careful to clean them after each walk to avoid any infection that could harm your cane corso. If your dog does not go out too often for walks, it is advisable to take your cane corso to the veterinarian for this maintenance.


For the care of the coat, it is important to consider two basic things: brushing and the type of food you feed your cane corso. If you want your cane corso to have a nice and shiny coat, you should brush it twice a day to remove all those dead hairs, residues on the skin and any knots that may form to keep the coat clean and soft. It goes without saying that using a quality shampoo will also help your dog’s coat and keep it healthy.


The food in this case will be the key factor to maintain the shine of your dog’s coat, that is why it is important to feed your cane corso quality products and above all, that they are natural, for example, products such as chicken and fish oil once a day will help enormously to maintain the shine and softness of its coat.

With all the above mentioned, it is estimated that you could spend approximately between 60 € – 70 € per month, of course this expenditure will depend on the frequency of their baths and the quality of food and hygiene products you get for him. In Cane Corso Barcelona, we always recommend that they are the best quality, so we can keep our cane corso dog in the best conditions.

History and origin
Physical characteristics
Living together
Education and training
Hygiene and cleaning
Advantages and disvantages
Maintenance cost
Life expectancy
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