* Withers : between 64 and 68 cm for males and 60 and 64 cm Between in females
* Weight : 45 to 50 kg for males and between 40 and 45 kg in females
* Layer : Black, lead gray, slate gray, light fawn, dark fawn, brindle or fawn network
* Skills : guard dog and defense
CANE CORSO STANDARD FCI (by Dr. Antonio Morsiani)
The following standard written Represents the conservative update the original standard of Dr. Antonio Morsiani and approved by the Committee of Judges and the Board of the ENCI in 1987. This standard has – been confirmed by the Technical Committee of the SACC in July 1995 and includes slight changes in the evolution of the race and half of the subjects Have shown During esta period. It has Also Been ordered by the new requirements imposed by the FCI breed standards for writing. For sending Internationally Recognized practice at the headquarters of the FCI, the ENCI has used esta standard.
Usefulness: guard dog, defense, police trace.
GROUP 2: Pinscher and Schnauzer – Molossian – type Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs and other breeds.
SECTION 2: Molosoides Without working trial
- GENERAL APPEARANCE Dog of medium-large size, strongly built but elegant, with powerful and long muscles, very distinguished, squeezing strength and agility and endurance. The overall shape of a meso That is morpho Wherein the body is longer than the height at the cross; Harmonious for the format (Aetherometry) and disharmonious Regarding the profiles (alloidismo).
- IMPORTANT Proportions Length of body Exceeds the height at withers About 11% of the overall length of the head Reaches 3.6 / 10 of the height at withers. The overall length of the nose Corresponding to 3.4 / 10 of the total length of the head. The thorax is 5/10 of the height at withers and corresponds to the elbow on the tip.
- BEHAVIOR AND intelligent, energetic and balanced character, and unmistakable guard dog and defense. Docile and affectionate With the pattern, loving children and family, Becomes, IF NECESSARY, to a terrible and courageous defender of people, house and property. It is Easily trainable.
- HEAD braquicéfala. Its overall length Reaches 3.6 / 10 of the height at withers. The bipomular length equal to the length of the skull, is greater than half the overall length of the head, reaching 6.6 / 10 of Such length. The longitudinal aces skull and muzzle them converge slightly. The perimeter of the head, Measured from the cheeks, Also in females more than twice the length of the head. The head is moderately sculptured With zygomatic arches prominent is consistent skin and adherent to the lower, smooth and tight enough tissue.
- Cranica REGION Skull: Broad and slightly arched seen from the front, ITS profile draws an irregular curve flattens That aborad along the external sagittal crest. Its width is equal to the length and corresponds to 6.6 / 10 of the total length of the head. Seen from above is a square shape by extrusion of the zygomatic arches and all the fascicles That wrap. The front jumps are well developed and prominent, frontal fossa is deep and the median furrow is visible. The occipital crest is not too evidenced. Occipital fossae (Concas) slightly marked. Stop: Molto due to the highly marked frontal bossing With frontal developed leap towards browridges detected.
- FACIAL REGION. Nose in the same line of muzzle. Regarded profile shouldnt vertically protrude from the front margin of the lips, but meet His former side in the same upright plane of the front face of the snout. Should it be bulky to as flat on top, with wide, open and mobile nostrils. Pigmentation is black, very wide and deep muzzle. The width of muzzle almost equal to ITS length. This Reaches 3.4 / 10 of the total length of the head. Its depth excede 50% snout length. The parallelism of the sides of the muzzle, fullness and body width of the jaw itself make the front face of the snout is square and flat. The muzzle is rectilinear and relatively flat. The bottom-side profile of the muzzle is Given by the upper lips. Suborbital region shows a slight chiselling bone. Lips: fairly consistent. Upper lips, seen frontally, determine Their disjunction a “U” backwards, viewed from the side, hang moderately present. Commissure moderately clear and always Represents the lowest point of the lower side profile of the muzzle. The pigment is black. Very wide, strong and thick with a slight shortening of the upper jaw with a consequent slight undershot jaw. The branches of the jaw, very strong, are rather curved profile. The body of the mandible, well pointed forward, put in evidence the marked chin. The incisors are in a straight line in September. Cheeks: the masseter region is consistent and clear but not hypertrophic. White, big, complete in development and number teeth. Slightly lower incisors the Exceed (About ½ cm) Corresponding to the upper arch, so drift slightly prognato closure. Eyes half mole grandeur About the dog in, well spaced Between them sub-frontal position. The palpebral edge is oval, the eyeballs emerge slightly adherent With eyelids of black pigment. Eyes Should not reveal the sclera. The nictitating membrane is heavily pigmented. The iris Should be as dark as possible in relation to coat color. intelligent and watchful eye. Ears average height Compared to the volume of the head and as dog, coated With short hair, of triangular shape With the pointed end and the thickness cartilage inseridas high, That is much higher than the zygomatic arch, wide in the base, hanging, adherent to the cheek without reaching the throat. Outstanding and slightly accented at birth, Carried They are semi-erect When the dog is on alert. Normally amputees are shaped equilateral triangle.
- NECK Upper profile: Slightly convex. Length: about 3.6 / 10 of the height at withers, ie equal to the overall length of the head. Form: oval, strong, very muscular section, with the binding marked neck. The perimeter half the length of the neck is About 8/10 of the height at the withers. Skin: the lower margin of the neck is devoid of dewlap Practically.
- TRUNK compact, robust and very muscular. Its length Exceeds the height at withers of 11%, with a tolerancing of + or – 1%. Topline: Straight dorsal lumbar region slight convexity. Cruz: If you raise Cleary on the dorsal plan and Exceeds the level of the croup. I is tall, long, wide, tense and blends harmoniously the neck and back With. Back: The back is large, muscular, upper torso as The entire line slightly upward from back to front and has a strictly straight profile. Its length Reaches 32% of the height at the withers. Loin: the lumbar region is short, wide, well Collected with back and muscle very, very solid croup and has a slightly convex profile. Its length is slightly greater than the width corresponds to 20% of the height at withers. Croup: long, wide, well rounded for the great development of muscle mass. Their width, Measured from the tip of the haunch to the point of buttock, corresponds to 32% of the height at withers. Its inclination on the horizontally as the ileo-ischial line is 28 ° / 30 ° and from the tip of the haunch to the insertion of the tail is 15 ° / 16 °. THEREFORE it slightly inclined. Chest: Broad, well let down and open, with very developed pectoral muscles. Its width, in close relation to the width of the thorax, Reaches 35% of the height at withers. The handle of the sternum is at the same level of the tip of the shoulders. Profile chest stands well. Between the forward and artos front is slightly convex. Chest: well developed in three dimensions with long, oblique ribs, wide and fairly well rounded With extensive interspaces. 4 floating ribs are long, oblique and open. The chest is well let down to the elbow and Its height corresponds to half the height at the withers. Its width, at half of ITS Measured height, corresponds to 35% of the height at withers and Decreases slightly towards the sternum without forming a ridge. Its depth (sagittal diameter) Corresponding to 55% of the height at withers. Perimeter Exceeds 35% of the height at withers. Lower profile: sternal tract OCCURS clean, length, width and profile draws a wide half circle radius caudally leaves sweet way to the abdomen. The ventral tract is neither withdrawn nor relaxed profile and leaves from the sternal edge in the groin a sweet curve. Cavity flank is slightly pronounced. Tail: Inserted quite high on the line of the croup, thick at the root and at the tip Relatively tuned, if Reaches and Exceeds almost extended the hock. If Carried low at rest, horizontal or slightly higher action, you need not be curved or ring shaped never Carried candela. It is amputated at the 4th vertebra.
- Previous members Aplombos Regular profile is Observed That front. The height of the above artos elbow is 50% of the height at withers. Well proportioned to the format of the dog, strong and robust. Scapula: Long, oblique, strong, chunky long, powerful, well spaced and different muscles, are adherent to the thorax but free in movement. Its length, the sum of the cross point of shoulder, Corresponding to 30% of the height at withers and Its inclination on the plane horizontally oscillates around 48 ° -50 °. Respect to the median plane of the body the tips of the shoulders are slightly open Between them. Arm (humerus): the arm slightly longer scapulae, strong, with optimal bone and muscle development, lying close to the trunk in Its two upper Thirds Measured from the tip of the scapula to the point of elbow, you have a length Corresponding to 31 -32% of the height at withers and an inclination With the Horizontal plane of About 58 ° / 60 °. Its longitudinal direction is parallel to the median plane of the body. The angle-humeral exhaust Between 106 ° and 110 °. Elbows long, very prominent, well bonded but not tight to the side walls, Covered with sticky skin, should, as flues, found in a strictly sagittal plane parallel to the trunk. The tip of the elbow (olecranon epiphysis) is located in the down flow angle vertically (or later) of the scapula to the ground. Forearm perfectly vertical, to, well muscled Particularly in the upper third, with very strong and compact bone structure oval section. Its length from the tip of the elbow to the first carpal joint, is slightly higher than the 32-33% arm corresponds to the height at withers of. The ulnar carpus-Seam is marked. Carpo: seen from the front, straight upright Follows the line of the forearm, is lean, wide, mobile, thick. In the posterior margin ITS pisiform bone is strongly projected backwards. Pastern: well below the forearm of greatness, is very robust, thin, elastic, slightly bent (at an angle to the ground of approximately 75%). Its length must Exceed one sixth of the height above the elbow member. Seen from the front line Follows the perpendicular of the forearm and the carpus. Pie round, with very arched and collected (cat feet) fingers. spandrels and hard floors. Strong nails, curved and pigmented. Good pigmentation on all pads.
- Limbs hindquarters Regular profile is observed from the front. Well proportioned to the format of the dog, strong and powerful. Thigh and wide, with prominent muscles, so That the tip of the groin is well evidenced. Length Exceeds 33% of the height at withers, the width is never less than 25% of Such height. The axis of the femur, is quite obliquely from top to bottom and from back to front, you have an inclination of 70% on the horizontal plane and the axis of the With the innominate slightly more than a right angle (angle hip). Leg: The leg is long, lean, with strong bones and muscles: the leg seam is well evidenced. Its length corresponds to 32% of the height at withers and tilt up and down and front to be late 50% on the the horizontal plane. Femoro-patellar knee angle is warm About 120 °. Its direction is parallel to the median plane of the body. wide, thick, dry, clean, well evident bony protuberances hock. The hock is well pronounced and Cleary shows the continuation of the seam of the leg. The distance from the hock to the foot (the ground) must not Exceed 26% of the height at withers. Its direction relative to the midplane of the body is parallel. Tibio-tarsal the angle is About 140 °. Metatarsus of high density, thin, short Relatively, cylindrical, and always perpendicular to the ground, is subsequently profile. Its length corresponds to About 15% of the height at the withers (tarsus and exclusos foot). The inside must be free of spurs. Pie: Slightly more oval than the previous one, has less arched phalanxes.
- MOVEMENT. Striding, but Gallop Trot elongated gesture propensity With elongated trot.
- SKIN. Rather thick With limited subcutaneous connective tissue and adherent to the virtually THEREFORE subcutaneous layers of each region. The neck is without dewlap Practically. The head does not have to be wrinkled. The pigment of the mucous membranes and the rest of the skin is black, the nails and plants is dark.
- MANTLE. Hair short but not satin, with vitreous texture, worn, shiny, adherent, sustained, very dense with a light undercoat layer That is accentuated in winter (but never stand on the top coat). Its average length of 2-2.5. In the cross, croup, the rear edge of the thighs and the tail Reaches 3 cm without Causing fringes. In the nose hair is satin smooth and does not Exceed adherent 1-1.5 cm. Color: black, gray lead, slate, light gray, light gold, golden deer, dark gold and brindle (stripes on red or gray background of various shades). The gold and brindle subjects show a black or gray mask and Its extension is limited to the muzzle and must not Exceed the eye line. a small white spot on the chest is ADMITTED at the tip of the feet and muzzle.
- SIZE AND WEIGHT. Withers: in evils from 64 cm to 68 cm, in females from 60 cm to 64 cm, 2 cm tolerated more or less. Weight: males from 45 to 50 kg weight / size 0710 (kg / cm); Females from 40 to 45 kg weight / size 0680 (kg / cm).12345Note: Males must have two testicles standard of appearance and well go down into the scrotum.
- DEFECTS. Any departure from the Characteristics Indicated in the description of the different regions constitutes a defect, Should be penalized in the judgment in proportion to ITS severity and Its dissemination.
- Qualifying (or penalized in judgment) Head defects: craniofacial apparent parallelism of the, lateral sides marked convergence of the muzzle converging close to scissors, and deforming prognathism accentuated axes. Nose: Partial depigmentation. Tail: Carried sail shape or ring. Height: above or below the limits Indicated. Movement: Amble continued.
- Disqualifying defects Head: Divergence of craniofacial axes or undershot decidedly concave muzzle acarnerada. Nose Total depigmentation. Eyes: moderate bilateral depigmentation of the eyelids, blue eye, bilateral strabismus. Sexual Organs: cryptorchidism, Monorquidism, obvious shortcomings of the development of one or Both testicles. Cola: Anurismo, braquiurismo, That is artificial birth.
Hair: Medium satin fringes.
Colors: colors not covered by the standard, white spots overextended.