Are you ready to buy a cane corso puppy in Arlington, Virginia. We are dedicated to sell Cane Corso puppies, and we have been breeders for many years. We have many puppies sold and very satisfied people in all Virginia, also in Arlington, Washington , Norfolk, Chesepeake, Richmond, Newport News, Alexandria, East Hampton, Roanoke, Portsmouth Heights, and also in Portsmoutn. Today I will talk to you a little more so that you know more about the breed, the Italian Mastiff or Cane Corso Italiano is an ancient breed that comes from the Roman dog, a dog of Italian origin. The word Cohors means guardian of property, protector of property and from which the name of Cane Corso has been derived.
The Roman Italian soldiers used it for war and used it in the front line of battle in the front line of war, it also served for big game hunting and for the guard of their properties, it was a good driver of cattle. The cane corso also talks about fights between the Roman dog and other types of animals brought from Europe in the Colosseum. Little by little, that Roman dog that derived in the Cane Corso became extinct and almost became extinct until the 1960s, approximately in the 1970s a group of Cane Corso lovers recovered it in the Puglia area. It is said that the predominant colors at that time were the tabby and the fawn, that’s why the great black belts of the Cane Corso breed do not accept the gray and black with much pleasure, these colors came later. It took us a long time to have a gray world champion until 2015, which was the splendid time of the legend and the best dog of the Cane Corso X-Man was world champion and best dog of group 2 in the world, he also made 4 in the Best in Show. A feat never seen before in the race. It is after the great victory of X-Man in the World Cup in Milan, that the Gray began to have a great acceptance, no longer by the customers who already loved him very much, but a total acceptance by the former lovers of the Cane Corso who are living history of the breed.