Nowadays, the motto that most people use is: adopt and don’t buy. This brings to mind an image that occurs in many countries, for example in Italy. When there is a sheep in the flock that does not listen, the shepherds kill it in front of the flock so that the flock smells the blood and hears the cries of the sheep and so that no other sheep disobeys them. This is what is happening guys, this is how Pablo and I feel many times.

In my opinion, I would change this motto to: buy or adopt, but never abandon. The problem of all this is abandonment, it is neither selling nor adopting. They are killing healthy dogs in almost every country in the world, including South America, when they are 10 days old and they don’t come to pick them up. The typical excuse is to say that it is a PPP (Potentially Dangerous Dog) and that they cannot have it. What happens is that it is cheaper to give him an injection that is worth 0.50 cents to thousands of euros than it is worth for that dog to be in the kennels. That is the biggest shame in the world and we return to the same thing, the great fault lies with us as a society.

Politicians should be ashamed of what they are doing in the shelters. They should go out and apologize for the bad things they are doing, for the amount of healthy dogs they have killed, but since it is not a political issue they do not do it. For this reason I do not believe in politics or politicians. Look, once I met a politician (not very influential) who said to me; ostia Juanma, I know you, what’s up man, how are you? How are you? How can I help you? Then I thought; don’t fuck with me, that’s the best way you can help me, if you are not going to help me at all, my life is not going to depend on you. Sometimes we think that the government is going to change because of such a politician, that we are going to get better, but it is not like that. The system fails from the beginning, and an example of this is that we do not choose where our taxes go.

Also, we have realized, especially through social networks, that, fortunately, things are getting better in terms of the superiority that people think they have because they adopt. And that’s what we say, people who do good when they really feel it and not because others see them and for the photo, and for putting on a good face, those people deserve respect. But, on the other hand, when people come saying; Hey, you are scoundrels, and I am the good guy, because I have adopted a puppy, I have saved a life… People have no idea what generates the slogan, for example, don’t buy and adopt. Many people say it without stopping to think about what they are saying, but as everybody says it and it is what is fashionable now, they keep on saying it. This slogan should be changed to buy or adopt, but don’t abandon.

You would be surprised how many times we have been told: Look, the truth is that I have always been in favor of adopting dogs, I have never been in favor of buying, but I have met you, I have seen you, I have seen your facilities, your videos, I have met you as people, how you do things, the love you have for dogs, and you have made me change my mentality. And what we say is, how nice it is to make a person open their eyes, that is more than enough for us. If with this we get all of you who are in doubt, all of you who want to know something more, who want to be informed, those of you who are a little more critical, than to follow the anonymous mass and to pay attention to what the great majority says. The only thing we ask is that you open your eyes a little bit, that when you are going to talk about something you inform yourselves first, and that you do not follow the majority just to look good, if you really think so I think it is great, but if you have doubts, if you do not think it is right or you think there may be another solution, turn the tables and do things so that everyone can have a chance to explain themselves and do things right. Have your own criteria.

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If you are interested in owning a dog of this wonderful breed, find out the price of a cane corso or Italian Mastiff puppy and click on the following link:

Precio perros cane corso