If you are interested in puppies for sale in Hayward, CA, USA, we have probably the best Cane Corso Kennel in the world, we have breeding Cane Corso about 15 years. We work with the line of the world winner X-man. Today I want to tell you about the energy of the Cane Corso, what is a Cane Corso like at home?
How is a Cane Corso outside the house?
The truth is that it is surprising, how the Cane Corso breed changes inside and outside the house. There are also many clients who contact me because it is surprising how puppies behave indoors, one thing is an adult dog that is used to being indoors and another thing is a puppy that arrives at its new home and with its new family. The Italian Cane Corso indoors has a low energy. It is a dog that indoors wants to be as close as possible to its owner and its owner and seeks its space in its bed. It wants to be relaxed and calm.


cane corso puppy for sale in Hayward-CA

cane corso puppy for sale in Hayward-CA


Also the puppy when you take a surprising home because they usually sleep a lot, and there are other breeds of puppies that usually break a lot of things but the Cane Cors puppies are usually calm and do not usually surprisingly break almost nothing, Evidently the puppy is many times in the process teeth change and his jaw bothers and he needs to bite. Outside the Cane Corso’s house if it already has a higher energy, an energy that I would classify as Medium energy. Away from home he is more active and more eager to play the game, when he is on the perimeter of the property he is on guard duty, and I would say that females are more active and have a higher energy than males normally, there are always exceptions that breaks the norm always male who has a higher energy but normal in me nor in blood that the females are more active. Females behave differently from males, especially in temperament and guard character, the male moves less and is like a lion, in the pride of lions it is the lionesses that usually go hunting and are more moved and only Leon if there is something important goes out to the fight and the hunt. In summary low energy inside the house and I would say that an average energy outside the house, you can never compare Cane Corso with the energy for example that they normally have a bad Inoa or a German Shepherd they are much more moved dog and a much more energy high. At the moment we have a litter of Cane Corso puppies. We have our Cane Corso Puppies moments, you say, and we also have Cane Corso Formentino Puppy at the moment.We will be happy to send you a wonderful puppy from our world champion X-Man bloodline, to your home and your city.


cane corso puppy for sale in Hayward-CA

cane corso puppy for sale in Hayward-CA