If you have a new dog in your life, it is important to schedule the first veterinary consultation, whether it is an adult dog or a puppy, for an analysis, health examination or vaccinations as appropriate.

After the first day of the adaptation period, it is recommended that the dog visit the veterinarian to detect possible infections or parasites and implement the appropriate treatment.

Tips for your dog’s first veterinary consultation

The first veterinary consultation is important because it will determine whether your dog likes veterinary visits more or less. We recommend you to make an appointment so you don’t have to wait too long with your dog, and also, prepare treats to reward him when you leave. This way, your dog will associate the vet with something positive.

Regular deworming

The breeder may have already given him the first treatment with insecticide, as well as the basic vaccinations. All babies become infected with worms when they are with their mother. With this help, the puppy will be prepared to develop antibodies against worms from the very beginning. Usually, the breeder starts deworming the puppies from the second week after birth. The treatment should be repeated every 14 days until week 12. After that, puppies should be dewormed every three to six months, as worms can weaken the immune system and allow the infection to run its course.

Basic vaccinations for puppies

Like humans, dogs need the necessary vaccinations against common diseases that can be life-threatening. Puppies drink their mother’s milk until they are six weeks old. However, the protection it offers diminishes.
One of the first vaccinations given at the first visit to the veterinarian is the rabies vaccine, which is administered again some time later. Dogs, on the other hand, must receive additional immunization in the form of multivalent vaccines, and all dogs must comply with the following mandatory schedule:

  • Rabies
  • Parvovirus (a feline disease that can be transmitted to dogs)
  • Leptospirosis (also known as Stuttgart disease)
  • Distemper
  • Hepatitis (infectious inflammation of the liver)

Vaccination against “kennel cough”, a type of whooping cough, is recommended for puppies that come into contact with other dogs.

If you are interested in owning a dog of this wonderful breed, find out the price of a cane corso or Italian Mastiff puppy and click on the following link:

cane corso puppy price

cane corso puppy price