If you want to buy Cane Corso dog puppies in Esher, Surrey , UK. We can select a wonderful Cane Corso puppy for you and your family in Esher, Surrey , UK,  in  the moment we have blue and gray female Cane Corso puppies. The Cane Corso or Italian Mastiff, a breed little known in Uk, Esher, Surrey, but which has a large following in all world countries, also exists in Italy since the time of the Romans. This is the history of The Italian Cane Corso, a powerful and elegant dog of great size and very handsome physical appearance, is a dog that is a black panther on the move.



cane corso puppy for sale in Esher and breeders of Cane Corso in Surrey UK

cane corso puppy for sale in Esher and breeders of Cane Corso in Surrey UK



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It is a dog that has a powerful and large head and has a well-marked gesture, the nose called truffle is black, the Cane Corso has a wide and large nose the bite of the Cane Corso has to be slightly The lower part above the part superior, This must be the bite of the Cane Corso. The one that before Cane Corso is a guard character that since the 70s when Italian peasants did it to protect their properties and their livestock was also a herding dog, that’s why today Cane Corso has a well marked character, a balanced attitude for the guard, to be with the family and children. It is a dog that loves its owner and has a very large attachment, it has things a calm dog and with a sociable character, Although he does not trust strangers. The Cane Corso is a dog that is difficult to bite, it is a dog that is not a lion, it thinks and acts depending on the situation. The Italian Cane Corso is an easy dog ​​to train, it is a dog that gradually develops its physique and its mentality is a dog that needs positive incentives since it is very delicate mentally. It is a dog that can be educated in any discipline since it is a dog that learns a lot because what I would emphasize about the Cane Corso is intelligence. What are you waiting for us to choose a wonderful Cane Corso puppy for you and for your family? We can send it to you with our international transport company. It is simple and easy, you’ll see.



cane corso puppy for sale in Esher and breeders of Cane Corso in Surrey UK

cane corso puppy for sale in Esher and breeders of Cane Corso in Surrey UK