My name is juanma Morato and if you are interested in a dog cane corso you are in the right place now. We have the best dogs cane corsos in the world.
we are in barcelona , we ship to New Jersey Usa , by profesional company shipping of cargo and the super star puppies arrived at the zone of cargo of your aeroport.
Today it is a pleasure to be with you today we talk about Cane Corso, for people who are looking for an excellent puppy we are in the right place.
The Cane Corso is for us the best breed in the world, is a faithful dog is a great guardian and is the best defender of the family,
if you are interested in buying a Cane Corso I think the best choice for you is a puppy, the best the world beauty champion of 2015 Bluetooth X-man. And besides,
Brutus is a living legend in Cane Corso is the most important Cane Corso in history, it is giving some awesome puppies the quality is super stars.
The quality of the puppies of ex-men is something impressive, to be able to get a puppy of ours now I will explain how we work,
we work with our international transport company we are very happy and very grateful because the service and work that our company does.
Shipping by cargo is wonderful. You and only you can pick up your puppy in the cargo area of the airport.
And after the payment that can be made by bank transfer we need two or three days to make all the documents and all the papers for export to your country.
We are in Barcelona, we ship to all parts of the world, we work with the best line in the world, the line of the world champion X-Man, the best Cane Corso in history.