Welcome to a new blog entry, here we will deepen a little bit about Cane Corso and Dogo Argentino. Before we start I want to remind you that if you are interested in to buy a Cane Corso dog in Northampton UK, England I invite you to follow this link:
Also, remember that we are one of the most recognized breeders of Cane Corso dogs in Northampton, England and the world. We have the world champion X-man who helps us to provide an extraordinary breed and the best specimens.
Now, entering the topic, I want that at the end of this article you can know the differences and qualities of two magnificent dog breeds. Do you want to discover them? then I invite you to continue reading.
Differences between Cane Corso in Northampton and Dogo Argentino
The Cane Corso and the Dogo Argentino are two large dogs considered very powerful breeds in terms of strength and muscle. The Cane Corso has more kilos so it is heavier. The Dogo Argentino is a little bit lighter.
The origin of both breeds is different, the Cane Corso comes from Italy and the Dogo from South America. Their differences the truth is that they are small, for me both are the best guard breeds for the family.
I am going to begin speaking a little about the Cane Corso or Italian Mastiff, it is a dog that by its size was used as hunter or escort of many merchants in the old Rome. It is a big size dog, an excellent guardian and protector of the family. This breed is very attached to its family, it is very loving and docile.
Its aesthetic is one of the most extraordinary and impotent due to the color combinations it has and its height that can reach 70 cm. She is a little distant with strangers and is a race that does not usually bark much which does not mean that she is not alert to her surroundings.
Nowadays it is used as a police dog, guard dog, defense dog and of course as a companion dog. From the first months you can see how quickly his size and muscle mass increases, therefore it is important to provide him with a balanced diet rich in nutrients.
Now let’s talk a little bit about the Dogo Argentino, it is a prey dog that was created around the year 1920 with the purpose of obtaining a big game breed of big animals such as wild boars and even pumas.
Therefore, the intention was to create a breed that had the qualities of the Cordovan fighting dog (which is now extinct) but with a larger size and physical strength.
The breeds that were used as a base for the creation were the Cordovan, Spanish Alano, Spanish Mastiff and some blood lines of the Bull Terrier and the Pyrenean Mastiff were added. As a result we now have a solid dog, robust and with a lot of resistance.
It is used as guard dog, personal defense dog, police dog or search and rescue dog or military work. Likewise, it can live in a home if it is trained properly since it is a child and it is taught the hierarchies in the family. He is a dog that requires a lot of exercise, loves physical activities and is very affectionate.
After this brief description of both breeds I want to tell you that my favorite is the Cane Corso, both are spectacular but for me the Italian Mastiff stands out and I want to explain why.
As for temperament the Dogo Argentino suffers a little more stress, when you are walking with him and you meet another dog in the way is a little more difficult to control, you can start or look for a fight. This is because he has a very strong character and because he has a very primitive behavior.
When the same situation occurs with a Cane Corso, we can observe that it is much more controlled, only with the orders of your voice you will manage to keep the dog under control. After many experiences with dogs, I consider that this is one of the biggest differences between both breeds.
Of course there are exceptions, this is not a generic condition, it is true that each dog is unique but we can say that the average behavior is the one I have explained.
For me the Cane Corso has a more adaptable character and a more moderate temperament. The Dogo Argentino is a fantastic dog but according to my opinion and experience it is a little more excessive and difficult to control.
Without a doubt both breeds are excellent companions and are very good at the jobs they have done. They are big, incredible, brave, strong and muscular dogs.
Do not forget that our spoiled breed is the Italian Mastiff so if you decided to buy a Cane Corso dog in Northampton, England you have come to the right place