breeders of italian mastiff and cane corso puppies in Illinois Chicago2

breeders of italian mastiff and cane corso puppies in Illinois Chicago2

If you are looking for cane corso breeders in Illinois, we are dedicated to selling cane corso puppies.We have for sale puppies. We are cane corso breeders for 20 years, we are one of the best breeders in the world, we are located in Barcelona. We have the best bloodline of the cane corso in chicago. The line of the world champion X-man. Today we have exclusive content for the people and for the people of the Cane Corso and today I am going to tell you about what the best cane corso breeder in the world would be like. What things do I think I must have the best breeder of Cane Corso and what things should you take into account to believe who is the best breeder of Cane Corso at this time in the world.
It is very important that you think well, because there are people who may think that the best breeder in Cane Corso is the one that wins the most shows and the most beauty exhibitions, this would be a point that some people would think that the best is the one that shows the most beauty or world championships wins. It may be that another important point is that there are already many people who understand that the best breeder of Cane Corso, Is the one who cares for and cares for their Cane Corso best or the one who best cares for all specimens and their Cane Corso puppies. In other words, we are talking about giving the maximum love to dogs, also that it is important the approach and the point of view that some people put on it and that say that the best breeder of Cane Corso the world is the one with the best facilities and best places to have for your corso. That everything is suitable for the best life of its specimens, that is, the kennel, and that it is more like a paradise for Cane Corsos. Another important point, another important aspect to decide who would be the best breeder of Cane Corso would be based on the quality of their puppies, the quality of their upbringing, and if that creator is giving superior quality to all breeders in the world and make an assessment of the quality and genetics of the bloodline of being a breeder.


dogs and puppies price Cane Corso

breeders of italian mastiff and cane corso puppies in Illinois Chicago23

Because there are many times that there are people who have a lot of quality who have a brutal level of cane corso and for example they are not in the social networks that are so important today, and the social networks, the control of the Internet and there are people who They may have an impressive quality superior to all others, but that quality is hidden in your home and is not seen because today the networks give an impressive global expansion point. It may be for other people that the best breeder is the one that more copies of Cane Corso sells worldwide, that would be another point, which for some would be very important how many puppies it sells internationally.
I don’t know what your opinion is in my opinion. Mine has to be a mix of everything, that is, it has to be something unified in everything we have talked about and surely we are missing something else.
In other words, I would say that for me, my opinion is that the best creator of Cane Corso in the world must have a percentage of all this, he must have world champions, of course, but to what extent does each one put his percentage, then he must best facilities you can or one of the best facilities in the world comes another percentage% later. You must feel the Breed and you must feel the love for their copies you must love their work you have to notice the love for the puppies for their dogs that is super important and that for me would be a percentage%, for me this would be very important . Another super important percentage would be food, love and how he does things day by day, that person, that who is that creator, how he does little things, how he makes them very important things, taking care of small details, that would be for me super important. And I would give it another percentage%.


breeders of italian mastiff and cane corso puppies in Illinois Chicago

breeders of italian mastiff and cane corso puppies in Illinois Chicago

But for me the most important point would be to love the Cane Corso to love what you do that shows that you love your puppies that shows that you love your dogs this would be if I could put them it would be 90%. But hey because you understand I have seen many things, I have traveled all over the world I have seen people who do not love their dogs, I have seen people who do not like what they do, I have seen breeders who do not put their hearts to things , which is something secondary that is a second job that is something that eats their time, takes away their time and does not like it then. That is why it is so important to me to love what you do.
I have long seen what they call 2 × 2 trusting dog boxes that have no room to move full of eces. I have seen many things in many countries of the world and this has to end. The breeding of dogs, from here the Cane Corso is done by vocation is done for love.


breeders of italian mastiff and cane corso puppies in Illinois Chicago3

breeders of italian mastiff and cane corso puppies in Illinois Chicago3